These past few weeks at INIE have been a whirlwind as the semester has picked up and our projects are now fully underway. Recently, I have been working on INIE’s full website redesign, designing both print and media content, curating promotional videos, writing public service announcements, and ideating strategies for an annual membership renewal marketing campaign. In addition to this, I have been working on creating INIE’s own incubator, a year-long program that will assist social entrepreneurs in creating social enterprises. I am currently working on building out the timeline, identifying potential curriculum topics, conducting an audience feasibility survey, and will soon be reaching out to local stakeholders for next steps in creating the program.
Though this work can be exciting, vacillating between my work on design deliverables and my work on the incubator has been demanding. Finding the time to complete everything has been a challenge, however, in the process, I have learned how to better manage my time and am working on finding a better work/school balance. Overall, this internship has already taught me many things both personally and professionally and I’m looking forward to the next 7 weeks.