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Dacia Williams

Learning the Ropes

This past week, I focused my efforts on social media engagement. I learned how to create a sponsored ad for the week of Valentine's. There were some roadblocks during the process. I did a lot of research, however, and am excited to try out the remaining two sponsored ads for the year. I am not sure of my results yet, but I am excited to see how much traction my first ad received. For the upcoming month, I am focusing more on the girls who set the foundation for Gifts For Confidence. My current project is gathering information on each resident of Ethiopia who sews for the company and creating a platform for their stories to be heard by our consumers, supporters and donors. I hope that during Women History Month, I am able to drive the purpose of Gifts For Confidence. It is also a way for me to fully understand how impactful the organization is in Ethiopia and here in the U.S.

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