Recognition for the FSU Model:
The most recently created interdisciplinary specialization areas of Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Public Policy are model interdisciplinary programs with their requirements for interdisciplinary experiential learning, the development of research/problem solving skills, and a culminating experience.
...other noteworthy achievements are the creation of the well-designed and timely Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship concentration and specialization along with a new specialization concentration in Public Policy.
Final QER Report for the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (ISS) BA/BS Program (October 2020)​
"I'm always impressed by the wonderful things coming out of FSU and am honored to be a cheerleader on the sidelines. Do keep me posted on ways to stay connected and advocate/share your work in the future. Perhaps we have a call toward the end of the month so you can describe more in-depth ways how Ashoka U can showcase FSU's work..."
(from one of the directors at Ashoka U)
Bruce Manciagli, COSSPP Social Entrepreneur in Residence, presented on an SIE panel with several colleagues from colleges and universities across Florida at a statewide conference in Nov 2018. FSU was recognized as a model with strong elements that others shared they wanted to emulate.
In October 2018, SIE@FSU partnered with COSSPP's Broad International Lecture Series to bring internationally renown social entrepreneur Greg Van Kirk to campus. Greg shared his assessment of FSU's Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship Ecosystem:
In 2019, SIE@FSU began to articulate criteria to guide its development in becoming a national leader in the field. This goal is about the depth and breadth of opportunities we can provide our students and serving as a model for other programs (just as FSU was inspired by and learned from other leaders in the field).
Below is an overview of Ashoka's Changemaker Campuses Program and the criteria it developed for the designation which informed our goals:
Below is an outline of SIE@FSU Strategic Priorities related to its development in becoming a nationally-recognized program: